You’ve been a successful author for many years now. Can you
tell us a bit about how you began – your early sales, and the books you’ve
October, 2012 marks my thirtieth
year of being a published author. I have thirty published books, so it averages
out to one a year, but in fact there were many “dry” years with no books and
some bountiful years of two or more books.
I give credit to my high school
English teacher as the person who started me on the long journey to becoming an
author. She encouraged me to read great works of literature and to write. She
made our senior honors class enter a state-wide essay contest. I won first place, was in the
newspaper, on TV, honored at a banquet and received $100 (that was big bucks
back then). She made me feel that I had a talent for writing. I also took
journalism and wrote some items for the high school newspaper.
Please share with us your most recent publications. Can you
talk especially about your “Voices of...” collection – how that came into being
and what’s planned for the future?
Even though the books are only 40
pages long, they have to be 100% historically accurate. It takes me about one
year to do the research then write the book and back matter that includes a
1500 word historical note, glossary of terms and bibliography. Every time I
write one, I feel like I have done the equivalent of a master’s thesis! It does
make me good at playing Trivial Pursuit.
It started when my editor at
Scholastic asked me to write a picture book about The Alamo. I was getting
nowhere fast then one day, while sitting in the courtyard of The Alamo, I had a
“Eureka” moment: I would tell the story from the perspective of sixteen first
person narrative, some real historical figures, some fictitious people. The
editor loved it and hired Ronald Himler to do the wonderful illustrations. That
book sold very well, in fact this book is used in nearly every elementary
school in Texas; it is even sold at the Alamo gift shop. When the Alamo book
went out of print, Pelican Publishing, a regional publisher who specializes in
southern and southwestern books, reissued it.
One day the president of Pelican
Publishing asked me if I would write a Voices
of Gettysburg book using the same 40 page format. It was a topic that worked
well with 16 narratives, alternating the POV between Union and Confederate
soldiers and citizens. It was illustrated by Judith Hierstein and released in
Then, I saw a TV documentary about
the Dust Bowl and knew it was a topic I had to write about. Being a native
Texan, I have many older relatives who lived through the Dust Bowl period. Voices of the Dust Bowl, also
illustrated by Judith Hierstein, was released in 2012.
Pelican also asked me to write
about the attack on Pearl Harbor. I felt out of my element because I did not
know much about WWII. It was
difficult to alternate the POV between Japanese and American narrators, plus
get in all the historical data that needed to be presented, but I am happy with
the results. The talented Houston artist, Layne Johnson, agreed to do the
illustrations. Release date for Voices of
Pearl Harbor is spring, 2013.
Do you prefer to write picture books or novels?
A very tough question. After 14 novels, I used to consider
myself a novelist first and foremost.
I would happily say that it was easier for me to write an entire novel
than one picture book. But after 14 picture books, I have become quite fond of the
PB genre, too. Nearly all of mine
are historical in nature (except for the folk tales), so it takes a long time
for the research. As I get older, I am finding it harder to sit still long
enough to write an entire novel. One novel took me three years to research and
write, so I want to make sure the novel is something I truly care about before
I invest that much time in it.
You clearly love to do research as most of your books have
some historical or cultural details. Please talk about how you choose your
subjects and how you conduct your research.
Yes, I’m not a sci-fi, fantasy
sort of gal. I write realistic
fiction, both historical and contemporary. Of course, all of my historical
works, such as the two Dear America books, are inspired by actual historical
events Even my contemporary novels have real events as their basis. For Shadow of the Dragon, I was inspired by
the news about the beating death of a Vietnamese teenager by a gang of
skinheads. For Letters from the Mountain,
the idea came from a TV documentary about teens who “huffed” dangerous
inhalants. I wrote The Silent Storm after
experiencing a hurricane in Houston in 1983.
![]() |
interior spread from Voices of Pearl Harbor |
Because I want the novels to feel
“real,” I have to research every aspect of the time period or culture –
clothing, housing, language, means of transportation, lifestyles, customs,
philosophies, religion – the list goes on and on.
I have two criteria when I choose
a subject: 1) I have to love the topic myself and 2) it has to be something
that will interest young readers and/or teachers.
I know you’re something of a “school visit expert.” Do you
have any tips or strategies that you can share with readers?
I consider doing school visits
much like going into battle. Hope for the best but expect the worst. Be
flexible. Don’t lose your cool when things go wrong. Something will always
go wrong – AV mechanical problems, schedule mess-ups, doors locking you out in
the rain, fire-drills, kids throwing up on your shoes, and on and on. Always have
a written contract that explains what materials are needed, length of
presentation, size and age of audience, number of presentations, travel
arrangements and fees. Don’t trust
the organizer to remember everything.
Get a schedule ahead of time. Get both school and home phone numbers of
the organizer. I have more information
on my website.
What are you working on now?
Two YA novels set in the 1960s; two
contemporary middle grade novels; a YA mystery; and a weird YA novella that I
am afraid to send out to anyone because it is more edgy than my other works. And
lots of picture books.
How can readers learn more about you and your books?
My website is:
My blog is called “Into the
Woods We Go”:
Thanks, Sherry!
Here's one of Sherry's book trailers, this one for The Buffalo Soldier: