I've known Julie Berry for quite a few years now, ever since she came back to Vermont College of Fine Arts as an alum and we met while I was a student. She's smart and savvy and a good friend, and she's written some wonderful, fun novels, but my favorite is her most recent, ALL THE TRUTH THAT'S IN ME. It's a fascinating story that I'm recommending to everyone as one of my 2013 top reads. Here's a synopsis:
"Four years ago,
Judith and her best friend disappeared from their small town of Roswell
Station. Two years ago, only Judith returned, permanently mutilated, reviled
and ignored by those who were once her friends and family.
Unable to
speak, Judith lives like a ghost in her own home, silently pouring out her
thoughts to the boy who's owned her heart as long as she can remember--even if
he doesn't know it--her childhood friend, Lucas.
But when
Roswell Station is attacked, long-buried secrets come to light, and Judith is
forced to choose: continue to live in silence, or recover her voice, even if it
means changing her world, and the lives around her, forever.
startlingly original novel will shock and disturb you; it will fill you with
Judith's passion and longing; and its mysteries will keep you feverishly
turning the pages until the very last."
Congratulations, Julie, on your stunning new novel, ALL THE
TRUTH THAT’S IN ME. That second person address is such a twist – well done! Please
tell us how you were inspired to write this story.
This project began by accident. I was working on my
critical thesis, a lengthy research paper assigned during the third semester at
Vermont College of the Fine Arts, and I read some material in a craft book
about second person point of view. I wondered, could I write something in that
voice? I reached for my laptop, flipped it open, pondered for a bit, then wrote
the first page in one sitting. Very little of it has changed to the present
day. The voice appeared from that moment, and it remained throughout the
process. It was one of those little miracles you pray for as a writer. Looked
at another way, though, it was an act of homework procrastination.
One of the reasons for the novel’s appeal, I think, is that
your setting feels both real and timeless. Can you comment on that?
The setting unfolded gradually. I saw it, at first, in a
somewhat misty focus, swirling into view only as needed around Judith, as if
she were walking through a cloud. I knew from the outset that I could not set
this in a historically known place and time, because I didn’t want Judith’s
story overshadowed one smidgeon by the expectations we bring to standard
historical fiction (much as I love them where they properly belong). At some
point I needed to make some decisions about what era to pattern this time
period after, and the early modern period is a useful one in that the world
still feels antique, pastoral, and pre-technological – which is where I think
that nostalgic sense of timelessness resides -- but society has already begun
to confront issues of philosophy, politics, reason, religion, and ethics that
feel recognizable and relevant to us today.
The way that you handle Judith’s mutilation is deft and
realistic. Was this something you had to research?
I wanted desperately to research it, but I couldn’t find
any sources at all. I did consult informally with a practicing speech
therapist, but most of my research came from personal practice and imitation. I
spent a lot of time talking as I believed Judith would attempt to do, and
documenting the sounds and sensations I observed. After the book came out, I
met a reader at a book club meeting who was also a speech therapist. She had
worked with a patient who, for medical reasons, ended up in a physical plight
much like Judith’s. She told me that the depiction of Judith’s journey toward
speech rang true to her own experiences with her patient. I felt so relieved
and grateful to know it.
Above everything else, for me this novel is a moving love
story. Is that how you would describe it?
I think so. I hope so! I wanted very much for readers to
fall in love with this love story the way I did. It’s nice to know you felt
that way.
I’m in awe of the way that you handle time – short,
back-and-forth passages and no chapters. Somehow it works – not only is it not
confusing, it adds power. How did you craft the story?
Strange as it may seem, the structure, the ordering, the
length of chapters, the non-linear movement through chronological time, just happened
that way. I wish I could say I architected it all in keeping with a brilliant
master plan, but this is simply how Judith’s story unfurled. It was a singular
Anything else you’d like to add? What do you have coming
I have a middle grade murder mystery coming out this fall
from Roaring Brook which I’m really excited about, titled The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place. It’s three parts
murder and two parts farce, and, of course, one part Victorian schoolgirl
hijinks. It’s very different from All the
Truth That’s in Me, but I like to keep things interesting.
Thanks so much, Julie!
Thank YOU!
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