Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Migrating: Hail and Farewell

I began this blog - knowing absolutely nothing about blogs - in 2007. I sat at my car dealership waiting on a car servicing, and opened my laptop and logged into Blogger for the first time. When asked for a name, I chose "Through The Wardrobe" because my first book love was THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE. And, like Lucy, I felt that every time I opened a good book or my imagination I tumbled into a world I didn't want to leave.

But things change. I've been persuaded (it took a little arm-wrestle) to move my blogging over to my website. From there I can post all sorts of cool stuff. I can post a series (like I'm about to do) on any of my books...I can post findable author resources...I can continue to serve the community through interviews and guest posts...all the material will be indexable and right in one place.

However, I lose the wardrobe. I confess this makes me sad.

I'll be cross-posting here for at least 6 months while I figure it all out. So the wardrobe isn't closed yet. I encourage you to check out my website and the new material I'll be posting there in the next several months. I have a series of author help pages planned, a tour of 1906 San Francisco, a tour of the 1920s, and much more.

Please stay with me through this transition and I hope to make it worth your while. Thanks.

PS...Here's my first unique post on my new site - a way to write a synopsis. Enjoy!

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