I'm so delighted to bring you another interview with a debut author of the Class of 2k12, J. Anderson Coats, about her novel THE WICKED AND THE JUST. This novel is just my cup of tea - historical - and that cover is so appealing!
on the publication of your novel, THE WICKED AND THE JUST. I’m so
excited to be able to read historical fiction set in Wales. Can you tell us a
bit about the story and what inspired it?
AND THE JUST takes place in 1293-1294
in north Wales, ten years into English rule. Cecily is an unwilling transplant to the English walled town
of Caernarvon, and she’d like nothing better than to go home. Gwenhwyfar, a Welsh servant in Cecily’s
new house, would like nothing better than to see all the English go home. The ruling English impose harsh
restrictions and taxation on the Welsh, and conditions in the countryside are
growing desperate. The rumors of
rebellion might be Gwenhwyfar’s only salvation – and the last thing Cecily ever

What interested me was this question: Even
when granted a lot of special privileges - including significant tax breaks -
how did English settlers live in a place where they were outnumbered twenty to
one by a hostile, recently-subjugated population, and how did the Welsh live so
close to people who’d done the subjugating, especially given the burdens placed
on them by their new masters?
How long
have you been writing for children/teens? Have you written other books or is
this your first effort?
I wrote my
first novel at age thirteen. It
was about a hundred pages long, typed, single-spaced, and it was really
bad. By age eighteen, I’d written
five more, each slightly less bad than the last. I started querying at age twenty, and I queried four novels
over ten years before I wrote and sold W/J. Ray Bradbury famously said that your first million words
don’t count. I think it was more
like two million for me. So while
this definitely isn’t my first book, it’s the first one that’s ready to go into
the world.
Thirteen!! That's such an inspiration to young authors. Can you
describe your path to the publication of THE WICKED AND THE
As I
mentioned, I queried four different books over ten years, and I queried like it
was my second job. The Erin Murphy
Literary Agency was always at the top of my list, but they don’t take
unsolicited queries. I queried
like crazy all around them – I have something like two shoeboxes filled with
rejections - and I came close to getting an offer of representation a number of
times, but I always kept one eye on EMLA’s requirements for any change.
So when I
got the chance to query Joan Paquette, I leaped on it. What followed was a sort of courtship
over nine months where she kept on asking for revisions and I kept making them,
preparing for the eventual “no.”
But that “no” never came, and the ink wasn’t quite dry on my agency
contract when W/J sold to Harcourt.
It was something like ten days between being unagented and my first sale
- quite a whirlwind!
you have any advice for beginning writers?
Give yourself permission to write crap. Everyone’s first drafts suck. Your favorite writer? Her first drafts suck. Your other favorite writer? His first drafts suck. It’s more important to just write. Get it on the page and repeat after me: “It’s a first
draft. It’s supposed to
suck.” You can fix things in a badly-written
first draft, but it’s impossible to fix what doesn’t exist.
Can you
tell us something about your personal life - inspirations, plans for the
future, goals, etc.?
I’ve been told my origin story is somewhat
interesting. I had a kid at age
19, a BA from a Seven Sisters college by age 22, a first master’s degree by 24,
a second by 30, and a book contract by 32. The future is less knowable. Can I propose absurd yet awesome things like being hired by the
National Library of Wales or writing full time?
It sounds like you've lived several lives already. Do
you have any new writing ventures underway?
working on several projects right now.
One is a companion novel to W/J which follows Maredydd ap Madog, whose
father is the ringleader of the rebellion of 1294, as he negotiates the future
his father wants for him and the future he wants for himself. Another project is a standalone novel
set in twelfth-century Wales about a warband, an abduction, a charismatic but
mercurial king’s son and a girl who’s willing to do about anything for a chance
at a normal life.
Do you
have a website where readers can learn more about THE WICKED AND THE JUST?
I do!
http://www.jandersoncoats.com - I also spend way too much time on
Facebook, so feel free to stop by there as well!
Congrats on THE WICKED AND THE JUST, which I can't wait to read! And thanks to you both for a great interview.
I think the 2k classes keep churning out the BEST books! Thanks for coming by, Joanne!
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